

looking for a lucrative and rewarding career... a chicken catcher?!?


Graveyard shift. Transportation provided in Abbotsford/Chwk. F/T positions only. Steady reliable persons need only apply. Call 604-854-1976 or fax resume to 604-854-1795.

posted 06/25/2006 >>

...?!? o.O

- so says da ^speechless (evil) bunny


(evil) bunny for sale!!

yes, that's right!! da (evil) bunny needs to further infuse its (b33r) fund in time for the (stampede), and is looking for (easy) projects to take on in the next 2 weeks!

so if you are feeling neglected right about now, you know where to find me! XD


- so says da ^evil (telus) bunny!


(phone-less) in vancouver.

by the way, i've lost my phone again. (and i'm unlikely to get it back). boo hoo!! :'(

- so says da ^disconnected (evil) bunny

the (eighth) wonder of the (peak)ie world...

(peak stands) are great for many things. you can use them to display your (propaganda), hold the latest issue of (epoch times), promote your favorite (liberal) leadership candidate, or as a handy (recycling) or (garbage) bin. you can even use it to deliver (illegal) substances and (prohibited) weapons. but unfortunately for some, (peak stands) make awful (ashtrays). (especially when i have just filled them)!!

to the fuckin' arrogant (asshole) and his snooty (arm candy), may i recommend the latest rantings of one (warren haas)?!? i think he intended it for people like you.


- so says da ^annoyed (evil) bunny


love or (something like it).

(wow)!! da (evil) bunny may have just fallen in love - with the latest version of (abobe bridge)!! XD

i take back every complaint i have ever made about this thing being a (resource hog). its photo-merging capabilities are ^absolutely (astounding)!! and it even batch-exports my RAW collection to an online photo gallery!! o.O

digital photo processing will never be the same again!! :D

- so says da ^amazed (evil) bunny!


(li'l white lies).

...and the (quote of the week) goes to (dan) at cityworks...

'this is the city. no one cares.'

honest city official!?! o.O


- so says da ^amused (evil) bunny!